A confident pick for the Bundesliga 2!

It is hard for me imagining scenarios in which Fortuna won't win this. They are at least one class better than Rostock. Technically and at dominating games, Fortuna is top BL2 level, whereas Rostock have definitely just 3rd tier level with regard to their technical quality.

Dusseldorf still hope for promotion and they are still in the race, but this feels like a must win game. Although seventh in the table, they sit just five points behind Hamburg who occupy the promotion playoff. But with no win in their last five league games, they must win this to be in with a shout.

Fortuna have still been running totally out of results lately. Dusseldorf come into this game following successive draws against Elversberg and Karlsruher. The reason is simple. They conceded several slapstick goals in the last weeks or their opponents were efficient as hell like Paderborn who led 3:0 with 3 shots. Also, they had injury problems, which is difficult for them to compensate for due to having a very extremely thin squad that cannot afford any injuries. But in the mean time, they have a much better squad situation again.

I believe that Rostock is the best possible opponent for Fortuna to turn things around. They sit just one point off safety but this is a difficult game this weekend. They come into this game with just one win in their last nine league games while their last three games has seen Rostock lose against Hannover before picking up draws against Osnabruck and Hamburg.

Only Rostock and Osnabruck have picked up fewer points than Dusseldorf at home this season but this feels like a winnable game. It is for the reason that Rostock will be passive and defensively, and they don't have the quality or offensive attitude to harm Fortuna where they are vulnerable: in the defence.

If you let Fortuna play (at home), then you will sooner or later concede goals. You have to press them very high and play offensively to take advantage from their defence problems. I don't expect Rostock to do that. Therefore, I am sure to see dominant hosts here who will create a big surplus of chances and likely win this game. With the experienced players within their squad while being the league’s top scorers with 46 goals, I would expect Dusseldorf to win this.









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